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November 24, 2006

Back with a shiver !!!

The winter is back in Delhi and like everytime its shivery. Its almost the same every year but then this year its late by atleast a fortnight. Don't know much technicalities about its delay but I was quite happy with it.

The chill running through my nerves makes me even more lazy and unproductive (not that I'm otherwise when the weather's good). I really had a tough time clearing the dusty winter wear that I had stuffed in my closet.

At times I wonder if Delhi is actually cursed with such bone-rattling winters. Just imagine what exactly the winter does to a normal layman. To start off with
  • It decreases the productive hours of work (coz most of the time you feel like cuddling yourself in a warm blanket.) Take care of the calculations and you'd realize thats a huge loss of business that could've been made by the city.
  • It affects the transportation system (Halting of flights, trains, traffic on account of non-visibility due to fog). Just imagine the cost of the goods stuck on roads and trains. The executives who aren't able to do their business due to flight delays. That's quite a volume.
  • It also encourages people to stay home which in a way affects the entire business the city usually makes.
  • Increase of electricity consumption due to usage of electric room heaters (this would be huge to make up by the non usage of ACs)

Gosh...I guess someone can actually finish a doctorate by doing a thesis on the above calculations. I'm sure there must be some kinda models to do that..

I guess thats all I can post right now and time to wrap myself and feel cozy (see I'm already affected ;)).


Blogger uma said...

Oh!, U r remembering me winter days spent in Allahabad. Thats a lazy winter. I go to sleep early and wake up late. But my professor comes daily by 9.30AM, i was not able to figure out how this old man is waking up early in the morning and coming back to his chamber, even we like youngers are shivering to this cold winter. But the winter days i spent were really enjoying (going to coffee shop at midnights, sleeping even after taking strong coffee, going late/ putting off to the TA labs,..)

I may also have to clean up my winter wear. but till now, here in Pune, im waering T's and formals instead of winter wear.

As u mentioned, it may happen that somebody wld come up with a doctoral thesis.
May be after some days, shivery winter season wld also be treated as drought situation, like heavy rains, coz no one is able to go to office and work fulltime.

11/26/2006 04:44:00 PM  
Blogger Vikram said...


Wow...thats exactly what we do over here right now. Midnight visits to Nescafe.
And I dont think you'd have to use winter wear in pune. Its a great place with great weather :)

11/27/2006 11:44:00 AM  

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