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August 05, 2006

End of Honeymoon !!!

Well...I'm sorry for the misleading title but frankly, the experience was nothing short of it (not that I had experienced it earlier...but I’m sure about it). For the uninitiated, I'm referring to my vacation @ Hyd which formally ends today and tomorrow morning I head off to Delhi to continue my so-called education.

With today, I lose all my privileges of a pampered-spoilt-brat and have to start doing things all by myself :(. From tomorrow, there would be no one to....
- feed me despite my hunger levels,
- tell me to get proper sleep even after sleeping for more than 10 hrs a day,
- fund my lavish expenses despite my jobless status,
...in simple words, I wouldn’t be having my parents around me to take care of me and the thought itself makes me scared.

But then...life's like that... Expecting bare essential luxuries from life has become more of a sacrilege than a necessity.

Whatever...hope to be able to blog as soon as I settle down in Delhi.



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